
Showing posts from June, 2021


A cup of coffee, Which tastes like a chocolate toffee... Is not only a drink to energize, But a world to memorize... Golden times of solidarity, And beautiful dreams of future. With its each sip, We dive in ourselves, And forget everything, with it's bitter taste. which make the moment best, To live the life fullest...!!!

नीम का पेड़

नीम के पेड़ को जीवनदायिनी माना जाता है । नीम का पेड़ हवा शुद्ध करता है और अन्य पेड़ों की तुलना में अधिक ऑक्सीजन भी पैदा करता है । प्रकृति के संतुलन को बनाए रखने में भी नीम के पेड़ का सबसे अहम योगदान होता है । नीम के पेड़ का हर एक हिस्सा औषधीय गुणों से भरपूर है और इसीलिए इसे संजीवनी भी कहा जाए तो गलत नहीं होगा । ऐसा कहा जाता है कि नीम के *पेड़ के नीचे जो थोड़ी देर बैठता है या सोता है उसे अधिक मात्रा में प्राण वायु मिलने लगता है और उसका आरोग्य भी बहुत अच्छा हो जाता है । अगर किसी रोगी को नीम के पेड़ के नीचे सुलाया जाए तो वह भी निरोगी हो जाता है । उसकी कड़वी गंध के कारण कीटाणु और जीवजंतु उससे दूर ही रहते हैं , इसीलिए कभी किसी *पेड़ के नीचे बैठने* की इच्छा हो तो जरूर नीम के पेड़ के नीचे ही बैठना । वह चमत्कारिक फायदे मिलेंगे जिसकी आप कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते ...!


प्यारी सुबह,           हर रोज मेरे जीवन में तुम खुशियों भरा ठंडा मौसम लेकर आती हो । सूर्य की किरणों से उर्जित होकर मैं नव पल्लवित हो जाती हूं,तो पक्षियों की किलकारीयों के संगीत से हो रही मेरे दिन की शुरुआत बड़ी ही सुंदर होती है । इस ठंडे मौसम में चाहे व्यायाम करना हो या आराम सब कुछ मजेदार होता है। मॉर्निंग वॉक पर जाते हुए शीतल हवा के झोंके तन मन को प्रफुल्लित करते हैं और ओस की बूंदों को टपकता देखकर मेरे जहन से टपकते हैं नए सपने... नए अरमान... जो मुझे दिनभर प्रेरणा देते हैं, कुछ नया करने के लिए । मेरे जीवन में यूं ही खुशियां बरसाती  रहना और मुझे उत्साहित करती रहना  उम्रभर...!!!! तुम्हारी प्रशंसक, बीना 


मेरी प्यारी कलम,              तुम हमेशा मेरे साथ रहती हो ,मुझे अपनी भावनाएं व्यक्त करने में सहायता करती हो । सच कहूं तो तुम मेरी वह चाहत हो, जो ना तो कभी मुझसे रूठती है ना ही मुझसे कभी कुछ मांगती है । आधी रात को भी मैं अगर कुछ सोच रही हूं तो एक तुम ही हो जो मुझे उसे कागज पर उतारने में सहायता करती हो । तुम मेरे हर सुखदुख, दर्द, परेशानी, सभी की गवाह हो ।जब भी मैं तनावग्रस्त होती हूं ,तब तुम्हारा साथ पाकर मैं खुद को बहुत हल्का महसूस करती हूं । तुम भी खुश तो हो ना मेरे साथ ? बस तो फिर...! यह साथ कभी ना छूटेगा, पक्का वादा ...!!!  तुम्हारी मुरीद, बीना


Wearing a mask  of our genuine nature...  that displays our true identity,  is not an easy feat. We must accept ourselves,  and let go inferiority complexes ... what others think that's not our job,  we have to remain happy in our glob. When someone appreciates you for your real mask,  you will be happier and enjoy each and every task. As this is the life where everyone needs motivation, That brings total joy and waves of satisfaction.


Since our birth she tolerates pain and forgets her worries for our gain At each and every step she is there to guide us Whenever we fall she is there to protect us For our exams she spends sleepless nights, to remove our fear she hugs us tight She knows how to change our approach  Prepares healthy recipes for our better growth She evolves throughout her life But still referred as a simple housewife We can get everything from here and there  but we can't get mother's care because it is rare....!


Name _ Beena  Cool breezes lift our spirits As if all our problems have vanished Leaving aside the grief of the past We forget the future part  We Start living in present And smile with the moment As if our fresh wounds are healed and one secret is revealed In the form of nature which itself is a hidden gift Which nurtures our nature  and decorates our future


The day's work was still pending  and I was completely exhausted ... I wanted a quiet moment of relaxation  that would give me some inspiration . and I knew from where to bring it . a cup of sweet smelling masala tea Which is my all time favourite happiness key which is my energy booster ,  which gives me vitality,  That is why I am always ready to drink it. and with it's each and every sip, a freshness comes in which I dip.


I'm not going to be bored next summer, Because I'll be meeting my friends next summer.  I haven't had much fun this summer,  But  I'll get a surprise next summer.  I look forward to welcoming  next summer, So I am planning for it this summer.  This summer, no one let me out,  However, I am looking forward to travel next summer.  I'll arrange a campaign with you next summer, because I'm missing you so much this summer.  I'm tired of staying at home this summer,  So I won't be spending much time here next summer.


I've picked up a new hobby To immerse myself in words.  I want to go completely in the color of words,  I want to be adept at playing with them.  It's not just my hobby,  it's my heartbeat.  I'm incomplete without it.   It is happy with me too...! Whenever I need,  it comes near to me. How special is this new hobby of mine,  I don't have to face anyone's fear to fulfill it...!


 The first time I saw you,  I was thrilled with your appearance  as your dress had been soaked in dew.  And as a girl, you looked beautiful and innocent.  You were fascinated by nature,  And I was attracted to your natural features  It makes me fall in love with you  What a beautiful feeling  When i was watching you  And you were unaware about my existence  enjoying Silent Talks with Nature  Which brought a unique glow and freshness to your face as a person...!


Let's talk about the things that make each other happy, Let's get started by brightening their faces, Let's speak about positivity, and the factors that promote it, Let's talk about our parents , and the sacrifices they made for us, Let's talk about covid-19 for a minute,  and about those who are confronted with adversity, Let's put our troubles aside for a minute, and consider other people's difficulties. Let us build a society in which , people's thoughts are taken into account and cared for.


I'm drawn to your beautiful brown hair everytime I see you. I'm trapped in it like a silk net,  forgetting everything and getting lost in its beauty,  As if it's trying to catch my attention. For a little while, all of my exhaustion vanishes. These are the times when I am the most happiest person I wish time moved more slowly here,  and I would be happier spending more time with you which brings a special bonding between us


I was hesitant to approach that stranger, but I dared and went there As it was my dad's order To pick up that un familiar stranger He was a tall handsome boy with shiny hair  His complexion was fair who was gazing at me and smiling,  but I couldn't grasp the cause for his grin By listening him continuously  I was mesmerized by his talks He was my unfamilier relative but I was very well impressed by his thoughts...!